Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Yummy Leche Flan

Two hours ago I just did leche flan, may spare kasi ako ng egg yolks so I decided na gawin leche flan para hindi masayang. Isa pa favorite kasi ng anak ko yun, most of the time I buy leche flan in the market which cost 50 to 60 pesos each.

Since nasatisfied ang anak ko at ako mismo sa ginawa ko, ishare ko yung recipe. Nakagawa ako ng 6pieces of lecheflan on this recipe using medium llanera.


1 can of condensed milk (alaska para mas malasa)
1 cup of evaporated milk (alaska yellow)
1/2 cup of brown sugar
another 1/2 cup of brown sugar (para sa syrup)
2 tsp vanilla flavor
20 egg medium yolks

  • Put the separated egg yolks in a big bowl and beat slightly.
  • Add the condensed milk next the evaporated milk and mix thoroughly.
  • Add the brown sugar and vanilla and mix well.
  • Filter the mixture using a clean cloth. (best way to have a smooth finish product) Set aside.
  • Put your molder or llanera 1 tablespoon each of brown sugar.
  • Put your molder or llanera on top of the stove and heat using low fire. Wait until the solid sugar turns into syrup or liquid.
  • Pour the mixture on each llanera with sugar syrup.
  • You can cover each molder using an aluminum foil but it is optional.
  • Steam for 35 minutes. Make sure before you put or steam the mixture, the water is boiling hard.
  • After steaming, let the temperature cool down then refrigerate
  • Serve cool. Share and Enjoy!

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